About us

Professor Mohammed Moslehuddin, Ph. D.
Founder & Executive Director
13170 Aquamarine Dr. (Carmel, IN 46033, USA)
Bachelor of Science with Honors in Statistics (1972)
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (Minor: Math and Physics)
Master of Science in Statistics (1973)
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Ph. D. in Social Sciences (1979)
The Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (Area of specialization :Statistics: Multi-variate Analysis, Sample Surveys & Demography)
Adjunct Professor at IUPUI/University of Indianapolis/ Ivy Tech Community College, Indiana, USA
- UNFPA Representative ( Sudan & IR of Iran): 1996 – 2002 : Responsible for implementing Reproductive Health related projects. Human Resource Management and Project Management and fund raising.
- Faculty Member, UN-SIAP, Tokyo, Japan (1989- 1996): Taught Statistical Methods, Sampling, Statistical Operations and Parametric and non-parametric tests ( Students came from about 40-45 countries of Asia-Pacific countries, Transitional European Union countries, middle-East and Latin American countries).
- Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Developing Economies (IDE), Tokyo 1988-1989
- Professor & Chairperson (1987-’88) : Dept. of Statistics, University of Dhaka , Bangladesh: Taught Statistical courses at the Under-Graduate and Graduate levels.
- Managed a Faculty of 40 Professionals with 15 supporting staff. Became a Full Professor in 1989.
- 1996 Beijing – China: Two-week mission to conduct workshop on Poverty Measurement Techniques with the State Statistical Bureau.
- 1996 Hanoi – Vietnam: Two-week mission to conduct workshop on Poverty Measurement Techniques with the Statistical Bureau.
- 1995 Lahore – Pakistan: Two-week mission to conduct an in-country training course on “Analysis of Survey Data to Estimate Human Development Indicators”, at the Pakistan Institute of Statistical Training & Research (PISTAR).
- 1995 Myanmar (CSO): Two-week mission to conduct an in-country training course on: Sample Design & Survey Operations”, at the Central Statistical Organization (CSO).
- 1995 Vietnam (GSO): Two-week mission in Vietnam to evaluate the statistical training needs to strengthen the statistical capabilities in planning, design, implementation, data processing, analysis and interpretation of survey results on Human Development Indicators.
- 1995 Myanmar (CSO): Two-week mission to Myanmar to evaluate the decentralized system of statistics and the strength and weakness of survey capabilities of the department concerned and based on the findings design a five-year training program to improve the timeliness, data reliability and survey capability of various departments.
- 1994 Maldives: Technical assistance to design the household income and expenditure survey and also to analyze the survey results.
- 1994 Vietnam (GSO): Technical assistance to the General Statistical Office (GSO) to Analyze survey data to construct Human Development Indicators.
- 1994 Mongolia: Technical assistance to National Statistical Office (NSO) to analyze survey data on multi-disciplinary subjects.
- 1994 Bangladesh (BRAC): Conducted as Director, Regional Workshop on, “Statistics for Formulating and monitoring Poverty Alleviation programs in the Developing Countries”, participated by 14 ESCAP member countries.
- 1994 UNDP, Yangon: Technical assistance on the sample survey design and analysis of survey data to monitor Human Development Initiatives in 14 Townships of Myanmar.
- 1993 Sri Lanka (NSO): Conducted as Director, a training course for statisticians to design, conduct, process and analyze data on poverty related issues.
- 1992 UNICEF Bangkok: Technical assistance to design a training curriculum for monitoring the goals for the children and women in the 1990s.
- 1991 ESCAP Bangkok: Conducted as Director, a Regional training workshop on, “Sampling Techniques and Survey Design”, 18 ESCAP member countries participated.
- 1991 China (SSB): Conducted as Director, training course on, “Social Statistics”, for the statisticians of the State Statistical Bureau.
- 1991 Bhutan (CSO): Conducted as Director, training course on, “Statistical Survey Operations”, for the statisticians of Central Statistical Office (CSO).
- 1990 Solomon Islands (NSO): Conducted as Director, a regional training course on, “Statistical Survey Operations”, 12 Pacific Island countries participated.
- 1989 Marshal Islands (NSO): Conducted as Director, a training course on, “Sample Design and Survey Operations”, for the officials of different ministries.
- 1980 – 1982: Consultant, National Institute of Population Research & Training (NIPORT), M/O. Health and Family welfare, Government of Bangladesh.
- 1984: Consultant, Management Information System (MIS), M/O. Health & Family Welfare, Government of Bangladesh.
- 1983: Consultant International Center for Diarrheal Diseases Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B). Advised researchers on Statistical Analysis of longitudinal population data.
- 1985 – 1988: Consultant, Canadian CIDA, Dhaka. Monitoring & Evaluation of Rural Poverty Alleviation Program. Conducted several empirical studies based on longitudinal case studies on Poverty Alleviation Program in Bangladesh.
- 1980 – 1995: Conducted Baseline, follow-up and Evaluative studies on Socio-economic, Demographic, MCH and Family Planning issues to assess the impact of various types of developmental programs in several countries of the Asia and the Pacific region including Bangladesh.
- 1989 – 1996: Conducted regional, sub-regional and in-country training courses on Survey Design, Sampling, Demography, Statistical Methods, Statistical Operations, Social Statistics, Analysis & Interpretation of Statistics and Statistics for Monitoring & Evaluation of Poverty Alleviation Programs.
- President, Bangladesh Statistical Association : 2013 -2014
- International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP).
- Population Association of America (PAA).
- International Association of Survey Statistician(IASS).
- Society for International Development (SID).
- International Association for Statistical Education.
- International Association for Official Statistics.
- Bangladesh Statistical Association (Life Member), Secretary General (1987 – 1988).
- Bangladesh Population Association (Life Member), Secretary General (1988 – 1989).
- National Social Science Association (Life Member).
- Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Life Member).
- Bangladesh Association of Geographers (Life Member).
- Asian Forum for Development of Population Studies (AFDAPS), Life Member.
- Indian Science Congress Association (Life Member).
- Indian Society for Medical Statistics (Life Member).
Books Published
List of Publications: 11 Books, 51 Articles in International reviewed journals and 38 Research Monographs. Languages: Excellent knowledge of English and Bengali and working knowledge of Japanese, Hindi and Urdu.
Recent Seminar/Conference Attendance:
- Attended Ivy Tech Community College Adjunct Faculty Conferences: 2007, 2008 & 2009.
- Attended 11th Annual Chicago Symposium Series : Excellence in Teaching Mathematics & Science – Research & Practice, 2009
- Attended FALCON Conference , November, 16, 2019 IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Statistical Analysis and Interpretation. United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia & the Pacific (UN-SIAP), Tokyo, Japan, July, 1995, 137P.
Sampling Theory and Applications. United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia & the Pacific(UN-SIAP), Tokyo, Japan, August, 1994, 88P.
Statistical Methods. UN-SIAP, Tokyo, Japan, August 1991, 270P.
Statistical Operations. UN-SIAP, Tokyo, Japan, August, 1991, 126P.
Demographic Techniques & Its Application to Bangladesh Data. Rana Art Press, Dhaka, 1989, 150P.
Social Research Methods and Statistics. Social Science Research Council, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Jan,1983, 291P.
Sampling Design and Editing & Coding. Two Chapters written in Basic Methods of Evaluative & Action Research, NIPORT, Dhaka, 1984.
ILO: Its Activities in Bangladesh. Published in Industrial Relations Laws, Policies & Principles, ILO Dhaka, 1982, pp. 29-46.
Social Research Methods and Statistics(in Bengali). Chayn Press, Dhaka, 1988, 128P.
Infant & Child Mortality in Bangladesh. Published in Policies & Strategies for Child Survival: Experience from Asia ; edited by K.Mahadevan; B.R.Publishing Corporation, Delhi, India,1990, PP.187-203.
Earning & Expenditure Pattern of Rural Destitute Women: Evidence from A Micro Study. Published in Essays on Population Economics, edited by G.Gaburro & Dudley L.Poston,Jr.; Cedam-Padova, Italy, 1991, PP.211-218.
Articles in International Journals/Seminars
Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in Japan. FORUM, the First Publication of Bangladesh Citizen’s Forum, Tokyo, Japan, 1993-94, PP. 81-92.
Recent Fertility Decline in Bangladesh, Published in “Fertility in the Developing Countries” Edited by Shigemi Kono and Yasuko Hayase, Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, Japan, 1994, PP. 152 – 180.
- Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in Japan. FORUM, the First Publication of Bangladesh Citizen’s Forum, Tokyo, Japan, 1993-94, PP. 81-92.
- Recent Fertility Decline in Bangladesh, Published in “Fertility in the Developing Countries” Edited by Shigemi Kono and Yasuko Hayase, Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, Japan, 1994, PP. 152 – 180.
- Population in South Asia. Paper presented at the Eighth Asian Parliamentarians Meeting on Population & Development, Tokyo, Japan, February 25-26, 1992.
- Islam & Family Planning Acceptance in Bangladesh. Studies in Family Planning Vol.21, No.5, Sept/Oct, 1990, PP. 287- 292.
- Rural Development and Poverty in Bangladesh. Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, Japan, February, 1990, 96P.
- Estimation of Sampling Errors. Paper presented at the Seminar on Design and Evaluation of Household Sample Surveys, Beijing 22-28 May, 1990.Sponsored by UN-ESCAP.
- Population Policy & Measures in Bangladesh, Bangladesh. Portrait, March, 1990, Tokyo, PP.49-50.
- Cause Elimination life Table: Evidence from Matlab (Bangladesh) Data. Paper presented at the IUSSP XXI International Population Conference, New Delhi, India, September, 20-27,1989.
- Fertility Transition in Bangladesh: Trends & Determinants. Asia Pacific Population Journal, Vol.2, No.4,December, 1987, PP. 53-72, ESCAP, Thailand.
- Female Status as a Determinant of Contraceptive Use in Bangladesh. Asian Profile, Vol.17, No.6, December, 1989, PP.553-562, Hong Kong.
- Mortality Levels & Trends in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the Seminar on Mortality & Morbidity in South East Asia, Sponsored by IUSSP, Beijing, China, Aug. 29- Sept. 2, 1988.
- Female Status as a Determinant of Contraceptive Use in Bangladesh. Paper presented at Conference on Women’s & Demographic Change in the Course of Development, Asker(Oslo), Norway, June, 15-18, 1988.
- Unmet Need for Contraception: Evidence from a Micro Study. Journal of Family Welfare, Vol.34, No.1, 1987, PP.3-10, India.
- The Effect of Nuptiality, Contraception & Breastfeeding on Fertility in Bangladesh. Journal of Bio-social Science, Cambridge, Vol.19, June 1987, PP.345-350, U.K.
- Participation of Women in Cooperative Programs: Economic Activity Social Change & Family Planning. Journal of Social Action, Vol.37,June, 1987, PP.163- 173, Delhi, India.
- Mortality Level in Bangladesh – Is It Declining ? Asian profile, Vol.17, No.1, February, 1989, PP.75-90, Hong Kong.
- BRDB Credit Utilization: Evidence from the Rural Poor Program. Savings and Development, Vol.12, No.3, 1988, PP.287-297, Italy.
- Social Constraints on the Use & Acceptance of Family Planning in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the XI World Congress of Sociology, New Delhi, India, Aug. 18-22, 1986.
- Factors Affecting Community Leaders’ Participation in the Family Planning Program of Bangladesh. Asian Profile, Vol.14, No.6, December,1986, PP.557-568, Hong Kong.
- Differential Infant & Child Mortality in Bangladesh. Food & Nutrition Bulletin, The United Nations University, Vol.8, No.3, Sept. 1986, PP.63-68, Japan.
- Mortality Levels & Patterns in the Oral Therapy Extension Program Areas of BRAC. Food & Nutrition Bulletin, The United Nations University, Vol.8, No.3, Sept.1986, PP.8- 11, Japan.
- Complications Related to Menstrual Regulation: A Retrospective Study. The Journal of Family Welfare, Vol.5, No.2, PP.26-34, India.
- Characteristics of Users of Traditional Contraceptive Methods in Bangladesh. Journal of Bio-social Science, Vol.18, PP.1-11, 1986, U.K.
- Migration of Manpower from Bangladesh: A Socio-Economic Analysis. Proceeding of the Seventh International Symposium on Asian Studies, 1985, Asian Research Service, Hong Kong, PP.379-403.
- Estimating Adult Mortality from a Census Based Method. Genus, Vol. XLI, No.3-4, December, 1985, PP.135-140, Rome, Italy.
- Preliminary Estimates of Fertility Decline in Bangladesh. Asian Profile, Vol.13, No.3, June 1985, PP.153-161, Hong Kong.
- Some Social Factors Influencing Mean Age at Death in Bangladesh. Politica, Vol.3,1980, PP.243-252, Leuven, Belgium.
Articles in Bangladeshi Journals
- Husband-wife Communication & status of Women as a Determinant of Contraceptive Use in Rural Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Development Studies, BIDS, Dhaka, Vol.XVI, No.1, March, 1988, PP.85-97.
- An Analysis of the Empirical Relationship Between Contraceptive Prevalence & Fertility in Bangladesh. Dhaka University Studies, Part-B, Vol.36, No.1, 1987, PP.7-14.
- Attitude & Opinion of Rural Power Elites Towards the Rural Development Program in Bangladesh. Asian Studies, No.10,1988, Jahangirnagar University, PP.21-32.
- Impact of Intermediate Variables on Change in Level of Fertility in Bangladesh: An Application of Bongaarts Model. Rural Demography, ISRT, Dhaka University, Vol.XIV, 1987, PP.41-51.
- Management Issues in Health & Family Planning Program: Evidence from Munshigonj Project. The Journal of Business Administration, Dhaka University, Vol.13, No.4, Oct.1987, PP. 436-446.
- Factors Effecting Achievements in Family Planning in Bangladesh: A Discriminant Analysis. Rural Demography, Dhaka University, Vol.XIII, 1986, PP.13-20.
- The Reliability of the 1981 Bangladesh Contraceptive Prevalence Survey Data. The Dhaka University Studies Part-B, Vol.35, No.1 ,1987, PP.51-60.
- Rural-Urban Differential in Contraceptive Use Status in Bangladesh. Rural Demography, Dhaka University, Vol.12, 1985, PP. 1-20.
- Factors Affecting Achievements in Family Planning in Bangladesh: A Step-wise Regression Analysis. Journal of Statistical Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Vol.5, 1985, PP. 66-71.
- Role of Community Leaders in the Family Planning Program of Bangladesh. Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Vol.XXX(2), December, 1985, PP. 189-199.
- Morbidity & mortality Pattern in a Community: Evidence from a Semi-Urban Village. Dhaka University Studies Part-A, Vol.42, December 1985, PP. 191-198.
- Management Issues in the Family Planning Program of Bangladesh. Dhaka University Studies Part-C, Vol.6, December, 1985, PP. 91-102.
- Some Preliminary Findings from BRAC’s ORT Program. ADAB News, Dhaka, Vol.12, No.2, 1984, PP. 12-17.
- Estimating Mortality & Fertility from Two Census Based Data. Journal of Statistical Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Vol.4, 1984, PP. 70-78.
- Role of Pilot Projects in the National Family Planning Program. Journal of Health & Family Planning, Dhaka University, Vol.1, 1983, PP. 113-124.
- Fertility Estimation for Bangladesh Using Gompertz Model. Rural Demography, Dhaka University, Vol.10,1983,PP.19-22.
- Contraceptive Practice Pattern & Fertility Behaviour in Selected Pilot Project Areas. Journal of Statistical Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Vol.3, 1983,PP.79-90.
- Levels & Trends of Infant Mortality in Rural Bangladesh. JOPSOM, NIPSOM, Dhaka,Vol.2, No.1, 1983, PP.8-10.
- Model Life Table for Bangladesh. Journal of Statistical Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Vol.1, 1982, PP.91-98.
- Management Issues in Four Path Finder Project Areas. Journal of Asian Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka,1986.
- Factors Affecting Family Planning Program Performance in Govt. and non-govt. Family Planning Program of Bangladesh: A Multi-variate Analysis. Jahangirnagar Review, Part-A, Vol.8, 1984.
- Change in Knowledge Due to an Educational Intervention Program on Selected Communicable Diseases in a Semi-urban Area of Dhaka, JOPSOM, NIPSOM, Dhaka, Vol.1, No.2, 1982, PP.32-36.
- Population of Bangladesh: 1980-1981 – A Review. Monthly Daktar, Dhaka, October, 1981.
- Population Explosion: Our Number One Problem. The Detectiove, Vol. 30, 1980, Dhaka.
Published Empirical Research Monographs
- Husband-wife Communication & status of Women as a Determinant of Contraceptive Use in Rural Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Development Studies, BIDS, Dhaka, Vol.XVI, No.1, March, 1988, PP.85-97.
- An Analysis of the Empirical Relationship Between Contraceptive Prevalence & Fertility in Bangladesh. Dhaka University Studies, Part-B, Vol.36, No.1, 1987, PP.7-14.
- Attitude & Opinion of Rural Power Elites Towards the Rural Development Program in Bangladesh. Asian Studies, No.10,1988, Jahangirnagar University, PP.21-32.
- Impact of Intermediate Variables on Change in Level of Fertility in Bangladesh: An Application of Bongaarts Model. Rural Demography, ISRT, Dhaka University, Vol.XIV, 1987, PP.41-51.
- Management Issues in Health & Family Planning Program: Evidence from Munshigonj Project. The Journal of Business Administration, Dhaka University, Vol.13, No.4, Oct.1987, PP. 436-446.
- Factors Effecting Achievements in Family Planning in Bangladesh: A Discriminant Analysis. Rural Demography, Dhaka University, Vol.XIII, 1986, PP.13-20.
- The Reliability of the 1981 Bangladesh Contraceptive Prevalence Survey Data. The Dhaka University Studies Part-B, Vol.35, No.1 ,1987, PP.51-60.
- Rural-Urban Differential in Contraceptive Use Status in Bangladesh. Rural Demography, Dhaka University, Vol.12, 1985, PP. 1-20.
- Factors Affecting Achievements in Family Planning in Bangladesh: A Step-wise Regression Analysis. Journal of Statistical Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Vol.5, 1985, PP. 66-71.
- Role of Community Leaders in the Family Planning Program of Bangladesh. Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Vol.XXX(2), December, 1985, PP. 189-199.
- Morbidity & mortality Pattern in a Community: Evidence from a Semi-Urban Village. Dhaka University Studies Part-A, Vol.42, December 1985, PP. 191-198.
- Management Issues in the Family Planning Program of Bangladesh. Dhaka University Studies Part-C, Vol.6, December, 1985, PP. 91-102.
- Some Preliminary Findings from BRAC’s ORT Program. ADAB News, Dhaka, Vol.12, No.2, 1984, PP. 12-17.
- Estimating Mortality & Fertility from Two Census Based Data. Journal of Statistical Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Vol.4, 1984, PP. 70-78.
- Role of Pilot Projects in the National Family Planning Program. Journal of Health & Family Planning, Dhaka University, Vol.1, 1983, PP. 113-124.
- Fertility Estimation for Bangladesh Using Gompertz Model. Rural Demography, Dhaka University, Vol.10,1983,PP.19-22.
- Contraceptive Practice Pattern & Fertility Behaviour in Selected Pilot Project Areas. Journal of Statistical Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Vol.3, 1983,PP.79-90.
- Levels & Trends of Infant Mortality in Rural Bangladesh. JOPSOM, NIPSOM, Dhaka,Vol.2, No.1, 1983, PP.8-10.
- Model Life Table for Bangladesh. Journal of Statistical Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Vol.1, 1982, PP.91-98.
- Management Issues in Four Path Finder Project Areas. Journal of Asian Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka,1986.
- Factors Affecting Family Planning Program Performance in Govt. and non-govt. Family Planning Program of Bangladesh: A Multi-variate Analysis. Jahangirnagar Review, Part-A, Vol.8, 1984.
- Change in Knowledge Due to an Educational Intervention Program on Selected Communicable Diseases in a Semi-urban Area of Dhaka, JOPSOM, NIPSOM, Dhaka, Vol.1, No.2, 1982, PP.32-36.
- Population of Bangladesh: 1980-1981 – A Review. Monthly Daktar, Dhaka, October, 1981.
- Population Explosion: Our Number One Problem. The Detectiove, Vol. 30, 1980, Dhaka.