Society for Project Implementation Research Evaluation & Training
The goal of SOPIRET is to improve the quality of life of the people in Bangladesh through various types of social and development programs like, quality reproductive health services, giving loan to the poor to be involved in various types of income earning activities, create job opportunities and encouraging the poor to educate their children.
Our History
SOPIRET is a nonprofit non-government voluntary development organization. SOPIRET was established in 1985 as a non-government voluntary organization (NGO) and was registered with NGO Affairs Bureau vide registration # 195 dated 23 January 1986 under the Voluntary Social Welfare Organization Ordinance 1961 as a voluntary social welfare association bearing registration # DHA 01721 dated 21 July 1985.
It is a national non-profit, Non-Government Organization working for the socio-economic development of the underprivileged section of the population of Bangladesh. It is also affiliated with the Directorate of Family Planning. The organization started functioning with a group of dedicated and like-minded social workers with common interest for the upliftment of the condition of the disadvantaged people through empowerment for the development of their human potentiality. The main objective of the project is to promote and support population, nutrition, gender equity, and family planning activities.
SOPIRET emerged as an institution with the leadership of Professor Dr.M. Moslehuddin in 1985. Since then SOPIRET has been undertaking various need-based development initiatives for the poor. The Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) is an apex-loan giving agency in the micro-credit sector in Bangladesh with the objective of poverty alleviation of the rural poor through micro-credit programs. PKSF is implementing its micro-credit program through local NGOs to benefit the rural poor.

NGOs who are called Partner Organization (PO) and they are being selected for giving loan at a reduced interest rate compared to the commercial banks. The POs are basically the extended arms of PKSF. As such the NGOs are accountable to PKSF for all activities done using PKSF loan. The partner organizations are carrying out rural micro-credit programs with the fund received from PKSF along with funds received from other donor agencies and their own fund. PKSF is also providing technical supports to the POs as a matter of institutional development and capacity building to attain the organizational goals.
SOPIRET stresses to achieve improved health of the people by providing community-based health care through static and satellite services delivery systems. The services are intended for reducing fertility level promoting small and planned family and improving family health through preventive and outpatient health services. At present SOPIRET is working with funds received from USAID & DFID NHSDP through Pathfinder International for USAID-DFID NGO Health Service Delivery Project, PKSF fund for Micro Credit Program, and own funded Education Program, and Flood and Rehabilitation Program.

SOPIRET entered into a contract with Pathfinder International to implement the USAID-DFID NGO Health Delivery Project from 01 January 2013. Through this project, SOPIRET is providing family health care services (e.g. Reproductive health, Child health, Nutrition, Limited Curative Care, etc.) in rural areas of Lakshmipur, Chandpur, and Comilla districts. Major activities of the project during the period SOPIRET providing essential packages of health services in the sectors of child health, reproductive health, maternal health, communicable diseases, and limited curative care through 10 static and a good number of satellite clinics operative in the following rural and urban areas: It is mentionable here that one of these Clinics (Laksham Urban) is a 10 bedded EmOC Clinic.